Top 99 Things That Start With W: Household Items, Toys, etc

Wrist watch resting on a wooden countertop

Below, we list nearly 100 things that start with the letter W.

Find household items and other objects in our list below, or scroll past the list for an activity related to one of these items!

Household Items

  1. Water bottle
  2. Wallet
  3. Wireless speakers
  4. Window treatments
    can include shades, curtains, or shutters
  5. Wireless charger
  6. Wrench
  7. Wheels
  8. Windows
  9. Wireless headphones
  10. Washrag
  11. Watch
    tells time
  12. Water glass
    glass for drinking water
  13. Waffle maker
    cooks homemade waffles
  14. Wallpaper
    decorative wall covering
  15. Window box
    planter that hangs outside of a window
  16. Washbasin
  17. Washcloth
  18. Writing desk
  19. Water hose
  20. Washing powder
    laundry detergent
  21. Waste basket
  22. Water heater
    heats water for the home
  23. Weed cutter
    garden tool
  24. Washing machine
  25. White paint
  26. Water pitcher
    a container for water
  27. Wax candle
  28. Wrinkle release
    spray that gets wrinkles out of clothing
  29. Wax for the car
    shines and protects the paint
  30. Weather vane
    shows wind direction
  31. Webbed lawn chairs
    woven fabric and an aluminum frame outdoor chair
  32. Wicker furniture
  33. Window shade
  34. Wipes for cleaning
  35. Wires for electronics
  36. Wheelchair
  37. Winch
  38. Wooden furniture
  39. Wicker basket
  40. Windsor bench
    wooden bench
  41. Windchime
  42. Weights for exercise
  43. Wrapper paper
  44. Western movies
  45. Windsock
    garden ornament
  46. Witch hazel
    lotion for skin
  47. Windsor chair
    wooden chair
  48. Windmill
    garden or outdoor decoration
  49. Windsor rocker
    wooden rocking chair
  50. Wood Wick candles
    a wooden wick instead of traditional cotton
  51. Wonka candy
    includes Nerds, Nerds Rope, SweeTARTS, Spree, Laffy Taffy, Fun Dip, and Pixy Stix


  1. Wooden building blocks
  2. Watercolor paints
  3. Whistle
  4. Wagon
  5. Water balloons
  6. Watch toy for learning to tell time
  7. Wasp action figure by Marvel
  8. Walrus plush
  9. Werewolf action figure
  10. Weasel toy
    rolls around with a ball
  11. Whale plush
  12. Whirlybird
    toy helicopter
  13. Walk the Plank!
    pirate-themed board game
  14. Wooden dog classic pull toy
  15. Witch costume
  16. Wooden woodpecker classic toy
  17. Wiggly Twisty Magic Worms toy
    it moves and crawls around your hands
  18. Wigs for playing dress-up
  19. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory book
  20. Winnie the Pooh DVDs
  21. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory DVD
  22. Wind instrument toys
  23. Wizard costume
  24. Winnie the Pooh books
  25. Wobbly Worms Tower game by Fat Brain Toys
  26. Wolf plush
  27. Winnie the Pooh plush
  28. Wombat plush
    an Australian marsupial
  29. Wallaby plush by Wild Republic


  1. Winter coat
    cold weather coat
  2. Wrap
    large scarf
  3. Waistcoat
    sleeveless buttoned top worn over a dress shirt
  4. Wellington boots
    rubber boots
  5. Wind breaker
  6. Waders
    rubber overalls for fishing
  7. Wet suit
    for scuba diving
  8. Windsor tie
    tie with a thick, wide knot
  9. Wrap skirt
    skirt wraps around the body and ties closed
  10. Wrap coat
    wraps around and ties closed
  11. Wylie-coat
    flannel garment worn under a coat
  12. Watteau
    18th-century gown

Expensive Items

  1. Watches
  2. Weatherproof outdoor furniture
  3. Wedding ring
  4. Waterford crystal
    glass made in Ireland
  5. Wakeboard
  6. Windows for PC
    computer operating software
  7. Walking Man
    sculpture by Alberto Giacometti worth $104.3 million

Activity: Watercolor Nameplate

A watercolor nameplate can add a colorful touch to a child’s room and show off their personality.

With a parent’s help, the child will paint their name, adding decoration to each letter to reflect the things they love!

To complete this activity, you’ll need either a long strip of paper or one sheet of printer paper for each letter of the child’s name.

Write the child’s name in large, capital letters as a guide — lightly, with pencil, so it doesn’t show through the paint.

Have the child pick out their favorite colors of watercolor paint. They can choose one color for all of the letters, alternate colors, or use a different color for each letter!

With a thick brush, paint the letters. Once they dry, it’s time to add some embellishment!

Choose symbols to add around each letter — perhaps to match each letter of the child’s name (like stars for “S”). It’s okay if you and your child aren’t stellar artists; you can use stencils, trace pictures, or just embrace the imperfections!

Once finished and completely dry, hang the nameplate on the wall (perhaps in a frame, if you want to protect it from tears or other damage).

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